Arts & Crafts Puppet Making with Toddlers

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holiday activity christmas festive family time quality time christmas baking holiday shoot family photoshoot
holiday activity christmas festive family time quality time christmas baking holiday shoot family photoshoot
holiday activity christmas festive family time quality time christmas baking holiday shoot family photoshoot35.jpg

Ever since we went to a puppet show for Tudor’s 3rd birthday I’ve been wanting to make puppets with the kids (you can read that blog post here!)

In a time when all kids seem to want to do is play on their iPads, it’s so important to allow them to get creative imaginary play-time with their hands!

One of the easiest crafts you can make is with 2 sticks and a string of faux fur material, glue 2 eyeballs on et voila! You’ve got yourself a dancing worm! The kids lit-er-ally lost. their. minds. Who knew it’s so easy?! You can make the tail wave and the head play boo up and down the table, it makes hours of fun! And you can also encourage them to get creative with their decoration, choosing different furry colors and eye colors.

holiday activity christmas festive family time quality time christmas baking holiday shoot family photoshoot
holiday activity christmas festive family time quality time christmas baking holiday shoot family photoshoot

You can also see here them cutting out felt which I picked up super cheap on Amazon (see links below!) to make stick puppets with. You can get the kids to pick out colors of their outfits and it’s a good chance for Tudor to practice with his kid safe scissors.

Who knew it was so easy to while away an afternoon with wooden sticks, felt and faux fur?! If you’re feeling super adventurous, you could even use an old cereal box to build a stage! Let me know if you try this with your kids, I’d love to see!

Love, Lynn

holiday activity christmas festive family time quality time christmas baking holiday shoot family photoshoot