It’s All About the Kids in Tiburon, California

Stowe Vermont Stowe Mountain Lodge Family Vacation Family Holiday Toddler Baby Travel Woods Autumn Cosy Mountains

This post is a paid sponsorship by Suburban Jungle, but all thoughts, words, views and images are my own.

It’s all about the kids in Tiburon! That’s one of the reasons we moved to the suburbs. We moved from the busy South End of Boston where we lived in a Brownstone 5 years ago, where our only outside space were the city parks and the stoop leading to our front door…enter Suburban Jungle!

A family day out used to consist of heading to a city park with the babies, always keeping a watchful eye and walking the bustling sidewalks to escape to a rare patch of greenery. Fast forward to now in 2019, we garden as a family, we take trips to the garden center, bring flowers home to plant with the kids and watch their faces light up everyday when they get to water them with their own cans and see them grow. We sit on the back deck and watch the boats come in and out, and can drive up one road from the house and be at the top of a mountain ready to hike….

Stowe Vermont Stowe Mountain Lodge Family Vacation Family Holiday Toddler Baby Travel Woods Autumn Cosy Mountains

Even if you don’t live on the water in Tiburon, there are a bunch of parks you can visit that are on the water. The space is vast and open and colourful, and with such a thriving community of parents in the area, the kids are never short of friends to play with!

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Tiburon’s shining feature is our water. Whether you’re picnicking on a mountain overlooking the ocean or hopping on a paddle board from your backyard, it’s such a great place to raise little ones and still have them be in touch with nature. You can even rent paddleboards and kayaks for the kids at local stores to bring to the parks with you.

Pack the kids up in the car and head up the hill for a hike or a picnic. Tiburon offers many outdoor hiking trails and picnic spots on its many golden, grassy hilltops. Most are dog friendly as well! It’s always fun having the kids help pack their own picnic box, and it’s their yummy reward after reaching the end of a fun hike.

Downtown Tiburon is an exceptionally safe town consisting of one straight road. It’s an historical town where people used to take a boat from San Francisco before the Golden Gate Bridge was built, and then a train to bring them to downtown Tiburon. Nowadays, the train has been replaced with a flat bike trail which is perfect for running and biking with the kids. The end of the bike track ends in downtown Tiburon with a cute single-street filled with restaurants and independent shops. You can even take a ferry from our little town straight to downtown San Francisco for the day, can you believe it?! It’s like a mini vacation for you and the kids and you can be home in time for dinner!

Downtown Tiburon offers many cute restaurants and boutiques and you can see my last few posts where we visit the town for Christmas Tree Lighting, Holiday Brunch and New Year’s Eve celebrations… (obviously, NYE was a kid-free zone!)

If you’re visiting Tiburon, please feel free to contact me and I’ll set you up with the exact locations of all my pictures to ensure you have a beautiful stay!

Love, Lynn

Suburban Jungle is an award-winning firm that specializes in moving families from urban to suburban. The company’s innovative “town first” approach helps buyers find the right suburb for their family based on personality and lifestyle, not just the house. Services are FREE and fully customized to each family and their unique journey. To learn more and to connect with a Suburbs Strategist, and find the place your family truly fits in visit and click GET STARTED 

Stowe Vermont Stowe Mountain Lodge Family Vacation Family Holiday Toddler Baby Travel Woods Autumn Cosy Mountains
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