2021: My Year in Review
Happy New Year! With a New Year comes a fresh start, and it always encourages me to look back and reflect on the amazing year I’ve had as a Mama and get excited to plan 2022 & what’s to come!
We did it! We survived 2021!
Aura continued with her ballet classes & even started soccer! Tudor has been taking so many classes & sports its hard to keep up!! But he has finished the year learning to skate board!
One of the best things about 2021 has been that this mama is able to share adventures with her kiddos and travel again. Our trip to Europe may have been cancelled but we have been so lucky to explore the U. S.
This Mom and Dad were super lucky to have some child free time away at Omni La Costa
Tudor and Aura was part of two Pottery Barn campaigns (proud mama 😍) Back to School & Easter.
I had the honour of being voted one of the Top 30 Bloggers in SF!! EEKKKK 😁
We took a road trip to Tahoe and had the best 24hrs with the kids, bike riding to Squaw Valley, playing golf and visiting North Star Mountain.
In the summer we got to the visit beautiful Nantucket. We visited the beautiful beaches, went off-roading 🚙, and this mama enjoyed all the lobster rolls she could possibly eat! *still drooling!!*
For the kid’s birthday this year Tudor was 6, so instead of a party we went and had the best day exploring the Califonia Academy of Sciences, the Sky Star Ferris Wheel in Golden Gate Park. My baby girl Aura turned 4, she had a birthday party fit for a princess with her friends and the had the cutest time with little party games making jewlery.
The kids was also lucky enough to visit Disneyland CA & Legoland for the first time!
Someone told me when you have kids, the days are long but the years are short… My god isn't that the truth. Another year has passed with a blink of an eye and I am feeling super grateful for everything my family and I was able to experience.
I’ve already began planning a list of things I’d love to do in 2022… but with our house renovation beginning, we’ll have to see how much we are able to do. Cue a building site for a family home… eekk! 😬 I will be blogging our house reno journey, so stay tuned!!
More than anything, once again, I’m thankful for our health after a crazy 2020 & 2021 that the world has experienced, my family and all our blessings. This time of year always makes me send extra love to my Mom up in heaven, I know she’s always looking down on me and my family and smiling with pride and joining in with our adventures from above.
What was your favourite thing you did last year?
Happy new year!
Love, Lynn
Voted TOP 30 Bloggers in San Francisco!!