Fun Quarantine Activities to do with Your Kids during Homeschool

Hands up, who’s finding this hard? Fun and easy homeschool activities are hard to come by, but for Tudor’s homeschool curriculum we had some fun with Earth Day this past week! Here are some fun activities you can do with your kids during homeschool quarantine… that don’t feel like school!


During Earth Week we had beautiful weather in SF, and it was great timing to get outside and appreciate our planet with some of Tudor’s homeschool tasks.

These projects are super fun and cheap to do even when you’re not in quarantine during Earth week!

What was on the Agenda for Earth Week?

  • Create a bug house / hotel

  • Scavenger Hunt for items in the house that begin with a specific letter

  • Recycling boat

  • Chalk art

  • Using recycled pieces of paper and card to cut out Earth shapes and watercolor paint them

  • Planting seeds

  • Talking about what we appreciate about the earth

  • Making a birds nest with twigs and leaves - watch this tutorial!

  • Egg Science: experimenting with eggs in vinegar!

  • Making a water cycle - condensation, precipitation, collection and evaporation.

the Good Morning Earth Song by Tim Caine

(we sing this every morning!)

Good morning dear Earth,

Good morning dear Sun,

Good morning dear trees,

and the flowers every one.

Good morning dear bees,

and the birds in the trees.

Good morning to you,

and good morning to me.


We had the most fun with the recycling boat!

Watching the kids’ excitement after choosing the pieces of recycling, building their boats and finally being able to run down the dock to let them out into the water was so sweet! This craft is so easy to do, and is a great way to spend a sunny afternoon as you quarantine.

how to make the recycling boats

  • Rummage through your own recycling bin and collect all different kinds of plastic

  • Ideally you want some bottles to act as your bouyonacy

  • Use hot glue or non-porous packing tape to build your boat structure

  • When you go to put it on the water, make sure you bring something to hook it and bring it back in… you don’t want to lose it and inadvertently end up putting plastic in to the ocean!


The Bug Hotel for roly polys

  • Go around your yard and look under dark, cool places like rocks or bricks

  • Grab a good sized pot (we used plastic cups so we could see into them) and fill part way with soil and leaves

  • Make sure your little ones release the bugs (or leave the cups on their side when finished) so the little critters can get back home!


Paper water cycles


This one was super easy! Just grab materials from around your house and get crafty with some glue to create the cycle of condensation, precipitation, collection and evaporation.

What are you doing during quarantine to keep yourselves busy? I’d love to hear your ideas!

need more quarantine homeschool inspo?

I’ve got you covered! Read my posts on…

Covid-19 Homeschooling | Hosting a kid’s Zoom Birthday Party | Arts & Crafts at Home

Love, Lynn

And when all else fails… having fun in the yard with the shark sprinkler is always a good idea!

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